Sienna Pinderhughes
this moment is heavy
yet i feel the most able, more honest
tired of hating
ready for facing
for shadow work
to heal my inner child
and accept responsibility
for my power
tired of feeling never enough
full of shame and guilt
some days more ready to be honest
to choose to see differently
to shift this powerlessness
to unlearn white lies
other days I continue on undeserving ugly unintelligent
i realize now that its a practice
not a race, but many battles
that if I can readjust these defeating habits day by day, moment by moment, thought by
i can learn to move beyond the desires of my flesh, this human experience, those
thoughts that are not my own
i can commit more fully
and love more deeply
for ALL of my emotions
for this vessel
for the pain and the hurt
for the sadness and the immense joy
for the gifts of this lifetime received and yet to come
for this journey
i give thanks
i pray that i can be easy with myself, tender even, soft and forgiving
attending to my health consistently, committedly for responsibility to selves,
communities and galaxies past present and to come
yet i feel the most able, more honest
tired of hating
ready for facing
for shadow work
to heal my inner child
and accept responsibility
for my power
tired of feeling never enough
full of shame and guilt
some days more ready to be honest
to choose to see differently
to shift this powerlessness
to unlearn white lies
other days I continue on undeserving ugly unintelligent
i realize now that its a practice
not a race, but many battles
that if I can readjust these defeating habits day by day, moment by moment, thought by
i can learn to move beyond the desires of my flesh, this human experience, those
thoughts that are not my own
i can commit more fully
and love more deeply
for ALL of my emotions
for this vessel
for the pain and the hurt
for the sadness and the immense joy
for the gifts of this lifetime received and yet to come
for this journey
i give thanks
i pray that i can be easy with myself, tender even, soft and forgiving
attending to my health consistently, committedly for responsibility to selves,
communities and galaxies past present and to come